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Gartner Integration

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Do Gartner Research Analysts provide any input into the review questions?

Gartner Research Analysts helped to develop the baseline survey to ensure a structured, objective and consistent approach to the reviews across markets. Additionally, Analysts provided guidance on questions specific to a market.

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Will Gartner Research Analysts use Peer Insights in their research?

Gartner Peer Insights reviews are a new key source of information, to be considered along with a variety of other factors, by Gartner Analysts. Analysts conduct in-depth primary and secondary research as the underpinning of the research process. They also draw from a vast network of sources, including interactions with end-user clients, technology providers, and industry leaders, in formats ranging from client inquiries, 1:1 meetings at events and a variety of other client interactions. Analysts may also incorporate content from academic, journalistic and scientific sources. While end-user feedback is important, it is one of many criteria that are considered. Although at this time, individual quotes from Gartner Peer Insights are not used in published research, presentations or other client interactions, this will likely change in the future.