HT Market Alerts: Marketing Page + Methodology

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About Gartner Peer Insights Market Alerts

Market Alerts monthly digest are emails generated from reviewer responses to Gartner Peer Insights questions, that display topics based on what reviewers like and dislike about vendors/products in a market. This email showcases top likes and dislikes extracted from the reviews submitted on Gartner Peer Insights. The email also displays the related Gartner documents published in the market.

Please note: Gartner Peer Insights is a free peer review and ratings platform designed for enterprise software and services decision makers. Reviews are subjected to a strict validation and moderation process in an effort to ensure they are authentic. Peer Insights markets are aligned to Magic Quadrants and Market Guides research. The vendors and products in Peer Insights are based on the vendors’ products meeting a subset of the features and functionalities within the market definition. All reviews are treated equally in this analysis regardless of vendor, product, demographic, or any other characteristics and the analysis is intended to reflect the responses of reviewers in aggregate. This analysis is based on a snapshot of Peer Insights data at specific points in time.The results of this synthesis are representative of the respondent base and not necessarily the market as a whole. The Peer Insights information is dynamic and may change at any point in time.

A. Overview

1. “What users are liking” and “What users are not liking” are two categories of topics displayed in the email. The topics for each category are extracted from the review text of two questions submitted by the reviewers, mentioned below:

  • “What users are liking” are extracted from the text response to the question “What do you like most about the product or service?”
  • “What users are not liking” are extracted from the text response to the question “What do you dislike most about the product or service?”

2. Timeline considered to extract popular topics are based on reviews submitted. It accounts for the reviews received in the market in the months, preceding the month of the email

3. Related Gartner documents: This section includes related Gartner research documents recently published in the market

B. Methodology

B1. Inclusion Criteria

1. Top 3 user likes and dislikes: The top topics displayed in each of “What users are liking” and “What users are not liking” sections are based on the number of reviews in which the topics are mentioned. Top 3 topics with the highest number of reviews tagged to them are displayed in the email, in the order of highest mentioned topic displayed first within the section. Refer Section B2 to understand how a topic is extracted from a review.

2. Mentions: Displays the share of reviews tagged to the topic. It calculates the reviews tagged to the topic as percentage of total reviews received during the specific time period in the market

B2. Extraction of topics from a review:

Gartner Peer Insights tags each review to a list of topics curated over time based on the responses received to different questions in the review. A topic is tagged to review if it is mentioned in the text directly, as a synonym or in similar context that conveys the same information. All the reviews received in the market are tagged to 1 or more topics based on the content present.

To extract “What user are liking” and “What user are not liking”, only the review text present in the responses to the questions: “What do you like most about the product” and “What do you dislike most about the product” respectively as mentioned in Section 1 are used to tag topics to the reviews.

Review Source

Gartner Peer Insights maintains high-quality, relevant content written by verified users, which is free of conflicts of interest. As a neutral website operator, Gartner Peer Insights displays content generated by the community of users in the form of software and services reviews. The honest opinions expressed in the reviews are those of the reviewers and not of Gartner. Gartner endorses neither the opinions expressed by the reviewers nor the responses to those reviews by the vendors. Gartner is committed to providing a platform for high-quality reviews and has developed and maintained a robust reviews quality assurance (QA) process in order to achieve that goal. Prior to publishing, all reviews go through a rigorous QA process in an effort to ensure published reviews are from verified sources and provide helpful content. Read our Community Guidelines to better understand reviews on Peer Insights

Source: Gartner Peer Insights. This content, which provides opinions and points of view expressed by users, does not represent the views of Gartner. Gartner endorses neither the opinions expressed by the reviewers nor makes any warranties about its accuracy, completeness or statistical significance.