Gartner Peer Insights Customer Choice Awards – SIEM 2017 (Archived)

Gartner Peer Insights Customer Choice Awards – SIEM 2017 (Archived)

Customer Choice methodology has been updated since the announcement of results in June of 2017 in  the following market:

Market Criteria

A market needs to have at least 300+ reviews, and 7+ vendors with 20+ reviews each for us to give a Customer Choice Award in that market. In addition, we’ll consider other factors like the market’s popularity, timing of Gartner Research refresh (we won’t likely do an award in a market that’s about to get an overhaul), etc. to determine when to launch awards in which markets. Vendors will be informed of a new award at least 8 weeks before we announce the winners for their given markets.

Award Criteria

Awards will be given to vendors in a market according to these criteria:

  • The vendor must have at least one product designated by our Research analysts as relevant to the market.
  • The vendor must have 50 or more reviews published in the submission period.
    • Reviews considered must strictly adhere to our guidelines – please see out Technology Provider FAQ here.
    • Reviews published must first pass our validation, conflict of interest, and moderation process – please see our Review FAQ here.
  • Gold, silver and bronze awards will be given to the top 3 vendors based on probable score (defined below), and honorable mention will be given to every other vendor over 4.000 stars.
    • Probable score is based on a Bayesian weighting of overall score vs. the number of reviews published and the Bayesian prior is a Dirichlet distribution with an average of 4 stars and 50 reviews, so:


Where NReview = Total number of reviews.

  • Probable score will be rounded to the nearest tenth of a star. If there’s a tie, the number of published reviews will be the tie breaker. If the number of published reviews is also tied, both vendors will receive the same award.
  • All winners must have an average probable score greater than 4.000 stars. If there are less than 3 vendors that meet the criteria we’ll give fewer awards for this market.
  • For more questions, please see our FAQ page, or contact
  • For Vendor Guidelines on how to use Gartner Peer Insights Customer Choice logo and quote policy please click here.