Gartner Peer Insights Product Profile Content Guidelines

Gartner Peer Insights Product Profile Content Guidelines 


Last Updated: April 19th, 2022


The primary purpose of the Product Profile is providing Peer Insights users with objective, factually accurate information on the company and product where the Product Profile appears. 

The information included in this document is designed to help guide you in the process of filling out the Product Profile, understand the criteria used to approve submissions, and answer any questions you may have about the process. Please note that Gartner reserves the right to reject and request modification of a Product Profile if, in our sole discretion, the profile fails to comply with the guidelines listed below. 

Table of Contents 

General Guidelines

Specific Content Guidelines

  • Founding Information
  • Headoffice Details
  • Employee Information 
  • Annual Revenue
  • Company Description 
  • Link to Reprint
  • Product Description
  • Pricing Description 
  • Screenshots 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Onboarding and Initial Submission
  • Going Live and Ongoing Maintenance
  • Other

General Guidelines 

Below are our guidelines for content on the Product Profile. For more information or assistance, please contact your Vendor Success Team representative. 

Your content must: 

  • Be suitable for Gartner Peer Insight’s audience of enterprise software users 
  • Be in English 
  • Only pertain to the company and product for which the  Product Profile is approved 
  • Be factually accurate and publicly verifiable  
  • Use standard spelling and grammar 

Additionally, here are some general Do’s and Don’ts for written content and image assets. 


  • Do ensure that all information is factually accurate. 
  • Do write in third person, using the product or company name. 


  • Do not write in first person point of view (e.g. we, I, us), 
  • Do not use overly comparative language and superlatives (e.g. best, most) 
  • Do not use offensive or defamatory language 
  • Do not include calls to action (e.g. Sign up for more information here) and personally identifiable information in submitted content (e.g., phone, email, URL) 
  • Do not mention competitors or their products in the Product Profile 
  • Do not use line breaks, symbols, special characters, or HTML tags 
  • Do not include links to external sites unless directly specified 

Please note the information asked for below is collected solely for the purpose of displaying the profile on Peer Insights. It is not collected for nor provided to anyone in Gartner for any other use.  

Specific Content Guidelines 

The information included below reflects content guidelines to successfully complete an effective Product Profile, which should be used in conjunction with the general guidelines provided earlier in this document. For more information or assistance, please reach out to your Peer Insights Program Manager. 

Founding Information: 

Information should reflect the date (year only) when your organization was founded. Avoid providing information that reflects when a specific product or subdivision was launched. 

Head office Details: 

Information provided on your company’s head office should reflect the country and city (if USA-based, state) where your company’s primary headquarters is located. Avoid providing the location of a specific product’s or subdivision’s headquarters. 

Employee Information: 

Employee information should reflect the total number of employees across the entire organization (not specific product or subdivision), as specified by the bands listed on the form.  

Annual Revenue: 

Annual revenue should reflect the total revenue across the entire organization (not for specific productsubdivision, or market), as specified by the bands listed on the form. Revenue should be converted into USD where necessary.  

Company Description: 

An effective Company Description should identify your company’s overall focus and the main business problem(s) your company helps solve in 1000 characters or less. Avoid providing information already captured elsewhere in the Product Profile (e.g. annual revenue, headoffice location). 

While factually accurate and verifiable descriptors are allowed (e.g. Gartner is a global research and advisory firm), specific calls to action or superlative language are not permitted (e.g. Gartner provides best-in-class research and advice).  

We recommend you avoid product-specific information, as you will have a chance to provide product-specific information in the product description portion of the Product Profile..  

We’ve included an example below to help you get started. 

Link to Reprint (if available): 

If you have an active, licensed Gartner reprint (e.g. Magic Quadrant, Voice of the Customer), you may link to it from your profile. The document must be directly related to the  market your Product Profile product is in.  

The provided title for the Gartner reprint should directly match the listed reprint title as stated in the document.  

Provided links must be working at time of submission and while the Product Profile is live.  

Product Description: 

An effective description should identify what your product does, what its main features are, and what business problem(s) it helps solve in up to 1000 characters. 

While factually accurate and verifiable descriptors are allowed , specific calls to action, rankings, ratings, comparisons or superlative language are not permitted (e.g. visit our site for more information). Do not mention other products not directly associated with the Product Profile unless directly relevant (e.g. suite of products). 

We’ve included an example below to help you get started.

Pricing Description: 

Why are we asking this information? 

Peer Insights’ community of IT leaders frequently request more information on pricing as they discover solutions. While we understand certain details may be sensitive, our users have communicated the value of receiving high-level information to guide their decision-making. 

The pricing description portion of the Product Profile should summarize information, in up to 500 characters, on how pricing and deals are typically structured. We recommend including information on pricing model (e.g. enterprise-wide, per-user), billing period, and any additional add-ons or one-time costs.  


Screenshots should help end users visualize your product or illustrate an aspect of your product that would be difficult to capture through text. We recommend including informative product screenshots that represent some of the main product features or interfaces that a user would regularly interact with.  

Avoid screenshots with stock images, promotional text, or calls to action. 

Use the following technical standards when uploading your screenshots: 

  • Size: <1024KB
  • File Type: .PNG, .JPG (no bitmaps).SVG 
  • Dimensions: Recommended 3:2 or 4:3 aspect ratio